X Marks the Spot

13 Jun

Geocaching is modern day treasure hunting. The outdoor recreational activity can provide plenty of fun and entertainment for those who are looking for something new and interesting to partake in.

Firstly, treasure seekers typically use GPS through their mobile devices or a receiver in order to locate geocaches. Caches contain hidden treasures and a log to keep records of geocachers and the date the found the cache. If a treasure is removed, a new treasure of equal or more value must replace it. The goal is to trade items. You take something with you and leave something behind, like leaving your mark.

Caches are generally contained in pill bottles, military ammunition boxes, Tupperware and/or other storage containers. Little trinkets await whoever finds them.

Photo by: Athena Skapinakis It's always fun to find random objects in caches.

Photo by: Athena Skapinakis
It’s always fun to find random objects in caches.

The coolest aspect of geocaching is that you’re finding something that someone else—someone you’ve never met but are now connected with—has left behind. You make your mark by entering your name or team name in a log with the date you found the cache.

There are caches everywhere and all over to find. It’s truly fascinating to look through the cache and examine the wondrous objects left behind by others for you to find. Bakersfield has several caches that you can find.

I suggest using this website http://www.geocaching.com/ to get started and learn more. To find others interested in geocaching with you, visit this page.  If you have a Smartphone, you can download the app by Groundspeak Inc. for $9.99 and it has great features and functions to aid your quest. It will show nearby caches, track your progress with interactive maps or compass view and more.

Geocaching can be thrilling and adventurous. It can also challenge you with obscure clues and messages left by others. It’s definitely a fun way to enjoy your day or evening if you’re tight on money and need something to do with friends. Best of luck, treasure seekers!

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