Walk, don’t run

31 May

In Bakersfield, if you can’t think of anything fun to do just go out and walk around. There are many different place here where you can just go out for a walk. You can walk around your local neighborhood, go to a park or just wonder around the mall.

Walking if good for everyone. It give people a basic exercise to keep them in good shape. It also helps spend a lot of time. Walking allows people to explore Bakersfield in a different way from just driving everywhere. It give people the chance to see some things in detail because now you are actually closer to the things.

Great place to walk around here in Bakersfield would be Riverwalk Park. This place has a route that allows people to enjoy a good day. It’s actually go well with the phrase “having a walk in the park!” Riverwalk has great scenery to where people can enjoy the place they are walking around. It’s a place where people can actually have a relaxing walk.So if you can’t think of anything good to do just go out and taking a friendly walk.

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