Skating in Bakersfield

12 Jun

A photo of rollerama. Photo provided by their website.

A photo of rollerama. Photo provided by their website.

Roller skating is a fun way to beat the heat, especially if you’re going to be here in Bakersfield during the summer.

If you watched my video on Skateland you’ll see that roller skating is fun and a great way to be active without having to be outside.

But there’s more than one skating rink in Bakersfield. There are seven skating rinks in Bakersfield, to be exact. If you’re looking for one near your area, just go to yahoo and type skating rinks bakersfield in the search engine and it should provide you with the skating rinks, as well as the locations.

The skating rink I’m going to talk about in this post is Rollerama on 34th street. There are two Rolleramas in town, owned by the same people, except that the other Rollerama is located on Brimhall Road.

Rollerama on 34th street has a bargain night every thursday, where it costs only $3.00 from 6:30-8:30 pm to skate.

The price to skate varies from day to day; it costs $6.00 to skate on saturdays and sundays, $5.00 on wednesdays and $7.00 on fridays.

As you can see the prices are reasonable, but if you want to save that extra three dollars, then wednesday is your best bet to go with friends or family members.

Aside from skating, Rollerama also has children and adult hockey leagues and throwing birthday parties are their speciality, according to their website, which I linked on this post.

Rollerama also offers skating lessons for those who don’t know how to skate but want to learn how; more information is available on their website.

So if you’re bored at home and want to go out and have some fun without baking outside in the heat, check out Rollerama and let me know how it goes!

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