Buena Vista Lake offers some fun in the sun

10 May

If you hear someone say “I’m going to the lake,” in Bakersfield they are most likely talking about Buena Vista Lake . BV is the lake of choice for most Bakersfield citizens as it is the only one in the area big enough to put a boat on. “We love going out there with our boat to do some wakeboarding and we usually stay the night and BBQ at the camp sites,” said Austin Tillema. Tillema is only one of the people you would see operating a boat trailed by a tuber or wake-boarder. When the weather heats up, the lake becomes a very popular destination for people targeting a place to cool off.

Lake Evans Kayak Fishing Camping California Destinations

A beautiful view of the lake at Buena Vista

Besides water sports, boaters are often seen fishing from their boats at the lake. The outdoor news service said that as of May 3, 2013 the “bluegill bite is very good and taking over the action at BV.” Bob’s Bait, a tackle shop near the lake, offers great information on what types of fish are biting and what kind of bait they are biting on. They also sell all the bait one would need including night-crawlers, worms, frogs, and plastics.

For families with big groups and lots of kids, there are recreational play areas as well as bike paths. Parents can let their kids run wild at the jungle gyms or take them for a ride on the bike path.

After a long day in the sun an appetite is bound to creep up. Instead of driving home, lake-goers can bring their tents and sleeping bags or RV’s and camp out at one of the many camp sites located at the lake. Picnic areas are scattered throughout the lake and offer people BBQ areas. In all, the lake offers not only a great spot for people with boats, but also an ideal spot for families and groups of friends looking to get a taste of the outdoor life.

One Response to “Buena Vista Lake offers some fun in the sun”

  1. MultimediaJen May 12, 2013 at 9:54 pm #

    I can’t believe I’ve lived in Bakersfield for 10 years and I’ve never gone to Buena Vista Lake! Now I have to go after reading your blog. It sounds like so much fun.

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