Stay cool Bakersfield

18 May

imagesCA22GTQV(Photo Courtesy of

It is that time of the year again, sunny skies, cool breeze, and high temperatures. With the temperatures rising, the hunt for ways to cool down is going to begin. Luckily for the citizens of Bakersfield, Hart part is located just 8 miles northeast. Hart Park has many things to offer. According to Kern County Parks and Recreation, ” The 370 acres of Hart Park along the Kern River now constitute the centerpiece of the 1,012 acre recreational complex called Kern River County Park, which also includes the: Group Picnic Reservation Areas,Nearby California Living  Museum, Lake Ming ,Camp Okihi“. With a large landscape, there is a variety of things to do.  From fishing, to enjoying a nice stroll in the park, everyone is sure to find something to dob. There is  a verirty of Wildlife habitat. For example there are  kit fox, possum, raccoon, beaver, muskrat, skunk, white egret, blue heron, and ducks.  With a good sight seen, there is also many spots to sit down at and enjoy a picnic, There are a variety of tables and grills. For those who are more adventurous and in the look out for something more active, there are hiking areas and equestrian trails. When the sun comes beating down on you, a trip to Hart park will be a good idea. To see more information on Hart park take a look at their web page at

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